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Image by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Art

What To Bring To The

Dot Dab Doodle Class

Be Prepared!


My motto is "Be Prepared"

but in saying that: 

you don't have to go out and buy a bundle of art supplies

but for the Dot Dab Doodle Workshop, you will need a few things.



Here is a simple list of items that you will need.


There is no need to go out and buy paint..... Paint will be provided.

Your kit will grow as your experience progresses.


Masks are NOT mandatory right now.

Hand Cleaner/ Disinfectant

Paper Towels x 1 roll

Baby wipes

****Latex Surgical Gloves: (if you don't want to get your hands dirty)



2 or 3 Black Permanent ink Pens and markers are a must! Found in any office supply.

Suggested markers are permanent ones with different nib sizes.

(The Micron pens are good or a similar brand )   

Also bring a

White gel pen,  1 metallic paint pen or marker


Ware old clothes to class. (Get comfy and you might get ink or paint on you!)

Comfy foot ware

A few dollars for supplies if needed. I keep some things on hand.   

Something to drink

Small snacks or munchies
Everything else is provided.


Where do I go?

Classes and workshops are held at

273 Rowat Rd.  Dryden Ontario.

Turn onto Bonnie Bay road east of Dryden

Take first right after the tracks. That's Rowat Rd


You can contact me if you have any questions at


Sharon Girdwood

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